We only have so much energy, time and money. Here is your weekly nudge to use your life and all God has given you intentionally 🙌
Hi, I'm Lana!
My name is Lana from Girl, Teach Me. I'm a wife to Matt and a homeschooling mama of 5 kiddos.
When I became a full-time stay-at-home mom 8 years ago, I was floored at how challenging it was to manage a home, stick to a budget, make healthy meals, and just love well.
I realized that I could either complain about the challenge or get to work learning.
I created Girl, Teach Me as a resource to infuse the good news of Jesus into all that us women do to keep things running.
You are made for more than going through the motions. Let every dish washed, meal made, or parenting moment be done for Him.
This weekly email is meant to be a weekly reminder of that ❤️
Let's do this!
Send me weekly inspiration, favorites, and nudges to be more intentional!